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From her diary, one can sense her commitment and elation at being with a person undertaking such a challenging mission. During this sojourn, she witnessed the struggles of individual soldiers and the efforts required to inspire a group of men who had placed their lives and futures in the hands of one person.

Begum Ghani's confidence in her husband was unwavering. She was deeply convinced that he would never fail in whatever he undertook. She often shared stories about leaving Dhaka in 1946 from the house of Mr. H.H. Nomani. As a cherished daughter of the family, they were reluctant to let her go, yet she chose to join her husband in his mission.

It is really unfortunate that the benefeciary of the institution which her husband created to serve the nation did not pay due respect or the deserved dues  owed to the lady.  She was invited to attend ceremonies as an attendee with out most of the time any definite place to occupy.  What ever was accorded was a lip service and appology to the socalled respect they accorded to the lady. 

She took every thing in the true spirit of compassion and accommdation and did not raise her eye brow but definitely she felt the need for elaborate arrangement to suit her status as the founder's wife.  Over the past decades the was a move to distort the histiory of the regiment as if it did not exist before the War of Liberation and it is the product of the war.  That the War of Liberation was the testing ground for the retiment's ultimate test for it own national idendity for which it was created but very much misunderstood.  The soldiers of East Bengal Regiment sacrificed their lives for the land which they came trained from the battle field of World War II. Soldiers do not all of a sudden becom a solider to face the bullets. The need the grounding in combat to face the enemy. The pioneer corps soldiers who formed the core of the East Bengal Regiment war war hardened in the harshest condition. They sharpened their sword through the trasditions transmitted by the soldiers as they fanned out to other regiments like mushrooms. 

Begum Ghani was a witness to the begining of this golrious chapgter of  the nation but not adequately recognised. Besides, the sceptics were to logger headed to prove that the institution was a natural development as a national requirement. But little is kown or let know to people the political wrangling behind the creatiion of the unit.