Divider Line



From: - Major A. Ghani,                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dated, Comilla,

M.L.A.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The 2nd July, 1956.

To  :-  Mr. Abdus Salam Khan,

          Minister-in-Charge, C.B, & I.

          Government of East Pakistan, Dacca.

Sub :- FLOOD CONTROL-RIVER GUMTI, SALDA, KAKRI, DAKATIA ETC.                              

Dear Sir,

          Herewith again I am holding before you a vivid picture about the actual economic condition of the people of Tippera District. , in general and Comilla sadar south in particular. This district in addition to its over population, has already facing with serious problem of unemployment which has been aggravated due to devastation caused by the rives mentioned above and last three consecutive floods have further worsened the situation and have completely  shattered the very economic foundation of the people and now their very existance is shaken.

Problems of the rivers

          The river Gumti, Kakri, Salda and Dakatia etc. now known as rivers of  "sorrow" to the people of Comilla sadar south sub-division. All these are hill rivers and there are other small Tributaries flowing down from Tripura State (Bharat) through different places of the sadar sub-division devastating standing crops, dewelling  houses almost every year and thereby bringing constant misery to our people. The main targets of devastation are mainly Burichong and partly Devidowar, Kashba, Kotowali, Laksham and Chawdhagram police Station. But Burichong Police Station is the worst effected every year. This year's breach of Gumti has also very badly affected Kotwali P.S. 

Estimate of damage

           It is not possible to give and accurate estimate of damage of (i) Crops, Aus, Amon and Jute, (ii) Dwelling Houses  (iii) Educational Institutions (iv) Vegetables, (v) Cattle fodder etc., but I can safely say that it will not be less than (i) Rs. 50 Lakhs every year. This year's damage due to breach of Gumti embankment on either side will amount of approximate (ii) Rs. 4 Crores.

                                                                                                                  Other Items of Expenduture

          In addition to the rough estimate of damages as mentioned above (i) the annual maintenance cost of Gumti embankment comes to over Rs. 2 Lakhs and in case of (ii) breaches a further sum of Rs 3 to 4 Lakhs is involved. The poor cultivators are to pay embankment tax without deriving any benefit out of it. (iii) Government have been giving relief in various shapes approx. Rs. 5 Lakhs almost every year due to devastation caused by these hill rivers. But this year unprecedented devastation, has shattered all hopes of men, Majority of the people are facing starvation due to the damages caused by the untimely flood of these rivers. Due to failure of Aus, Aman and partly Jute crops, the flood victims of Burichong Police Station will have to be fed for 12 months and majority of the population of the sub-division are to be fed for a period of 6 months due to failure of Aus Crops in different areas as they will not get any crops till July, 1957, that is Aus crops. That means Government is to spent a huge amount of money every year without achieving any benefit out of it.

          Thus the tremendous calamity caused by the rivers of  'sorrow', i.e. Gumti, Kakri, Salda and Dakatia have brought the rich and poor to an equal footing  financially and this year Government will have to spent crores and crores of rupees just to keep the population alive. 

          This is what catastrophe has been brought by these rivers, to the people of Tippara district. I like to say that no nation can live honourably on others' charity and Government cannot save a nation on giving relief. Some permanent solution must be found out to solve the problem by controlling the flood of these rivers without losing a single moment. 


          The problem can be solve by (i) digging escape channel on either side of Gumti and by (ii) connecting all other rivulets and tributaries with the channel (iii) and re-excavating all the dead Khals and dead channels to drain out rain and flood water swiftly. Burichong Police Station is low lying  area and all Khals and channels are dead. These need re-excavation. Even local rain destroys crops as there is no outlet for the fain water.

          In view of above I would appeal to you to kindly to direct your Irrigation Staff for making immediate survey so that we can take up the scheme by next winter without fail. Other-wise no power on earth can over avert the constant suffering or save the millions from the jaws of starvation and death. When the scheme is completed, I am sure people of Sadar South sub-Division of Tippara will be self sufficient in fool. It may be mention in this connection that the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, four Central Ministers and three Provincial Ministers had paid visit to this affected area and were pleased to opine that permanent solution must be found out to mitigate the suffering once for all. These facts are also within your personal knowledge as you had seen it for yourself during your last visit. 

        Further, I would like to request you on behalf of the suffering millions that financial consideration must not stand on the way of execution of the scheme and thereby put it in the cold storage.

                                                                                                                                                Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ( A. GHANI ).