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Assembly Activities

Opposing the imposition of unnecessary taxes

Provincial Assembly Proceedings, 31/03/1957, 12:10 PM - 12:20 PM

Major Ghani, MPA, delivered an insightful speech in the Provincial Assembly, opposing the imposition of unnecessary taxes on the general and innocent public. He strongly criticized the new tax proposals, warning that they would lead to unrest in the country. Major Ghani stated:

*"Honourable Speaker, at a time of such economic hardship in the country, imposing new taxes on the already burdened population would be a grave mistake. People are now left with nothing but their tears. Imposing additional taxes on them would be like adding insult to injury.

To bridge a deficit of 40 million rupees, a tax burden of 840 million rupees has been imposed unnecessarily. This could have been avoided simply by reducing the overstaffed administration. The government's new tax proposals make one think of "cutting the skin to pay for the ointment," and it seems they have lost all sense of financial accountability.

Such taxes are evidence of their failure in financial management. Before enforcing these taxes, the government must undergo self-reflection. If they continue with such burdensome taxes, how will they sustain their own extravagant lifestyles, their health retreats, and their luxurious travels?

Today, the government has completely ignored the people's problems. To cover their flaws, they issue endless justifications and shed crocodile tears. If new taxes are imposed in East Pakistan under these conditions, it will lead to severe unrest. I believe the ministers have lost their common sense, which has resulted in this situation. There is still time—I urge the honourable ministers to open their eyes and reconsider their approach."*

Through his speech, Major Ghani emphasized the dire consequences of imposing additional taxes on an already struggling population and called for more thoughtful and equitable governance.