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Assambly Activities

Too short time allocated for Discussion on budget and national issues and problems –


Abdul Ghani: Mr. Speaker Sir, I want to say that, a very short time has been allotted for discussion of the budget. We are representative of

4.5 crores people and we are playing with their fate. We want that, whatever problems and difficulties we have, that must be solved quickly. Today there is

food problem, next flood is imminent and then there is task of development of the country, defense, civil defense, unemployment and many bigger

problems. We have to face all such big problems and we have to solve it. So I will request the Honorable Minister that, those of us who are the

representatives, we have to be given the complete scope to discuss all the issues properly and solve those, so that we can lead the Nation properly. So I will

request that, within the time that has been allotted, it is not possible to discuss all the issues in such short time.


Mr. A. K. M. Fazlul Kader Chowdhury: Sir, will you give your ruling on the point of order raised


Major Abdul Ghani: Whether the budget will be placed or not, that ruling will be given by Mr. Speaker. We are the representatives of 4.5 crores people. We have responsibility.


[Point of order, 22 May 1956]