Divider Line

Drainage of national wealth of East Pakistan

Drainage of National Wealth


Drainage of National Wealth from East Pakistan by various methods across the Pakistan border into India by smugglers and anti-social elements has affected our National Economy very seriously. Smuggling of currency which is a big racket carried out unabated due to lack of effective check on the flight of evacuee capital. The amount of smuggling form East Pakistan of various commodities like gold, jute, medicine, foreign import materials and food stuff, nearly amount to Rs. 20 crores every years. The currency, as it is probably known to many is smuggled out through black market, border, travelers, trades and by means of 'Hundies' and 'Batta' as well as by litcral pilferage of foreign exchange. The amount of such currency smuggled and pilfered will not be less than Rs.25 crores a year. The present valuation of Rs.100/- (Pak) is being exchanged at Rs.55/- to 60/- Indian currency across the border. The smuggling operation of both currency and commodities have always been “one way traffic” and as a result the economic set up of our country has come to such a deplorable stage that it is high time to take strong and drastic step to put an end to such anti-state activities and save the country and further economic disaster. Incidentally I may mention that specially currency smuggling can not be so easily carried out without the connivance of our offices entrusted with currency affairs. These anti-social elements are shattering our national economic structure day by day, without being checked or brought to book.

          The anti-smuggling measures adopted to stop currency smuggling has not so far been very effective and the exchange control system is not being carried out very efficiently due to which in the recent past nearly Rs. 3 crores were whisked away by a cunning Marwari Business man defrauding the banks. Some time before this year a similar act was committed by some other members of the same sector for Rs. 28 lacs. There are various other invisible methods by which crores of rupees are sent on off East Pakistan.

          The anti-smuggling measures so far adopted on the Border have created misunderstanding between the people and the Government due to mis-handling of the situation and for failing to create the confidence in them by removing their many fold grievances and difficulties. In my opinion the border people are the guardians of the border and are the best guards of Pakistan to meet any eventualities on the border, if proper training and guidance be given and if general welfare of the border people is looked after. The authorities also can get full co-operation and help in their anti-smuggling campaign.

The following methods, if adopted smuggling to a great extent can be controlled.

1)       Anti-smuggling zonal Board to be set up (Village, Union and Thana basis) and to be composed of sincere, reliable and respectable men of the localities. These people should be educated about the effect of smuggling upon our National economy. The members of the board should be authorised to detect and arrest smugglers.

2)       50% of the total value of the seized goods should be distributed to any member or the board who catches the smugglers. 

3)       Mobile court with a 1st class Magistrate to be set up at each of the border posts for summary trial. 

4)       The listed, suspected and confirmed smugglers should be warned to the effect that if they are caught in future in the act of smuggling they will be seriously punished and their properties confiscated 

5)       Police as well as the newly appointed 40 border officers who were entrusted with anti-smuggling responsibilities have proved unequal to the task and as such they should be withdrawn and thereby save huge amount of money. Mobile army units should be posted at important points and they should be instructed to shoot the smugglers at sight. 

6)       Exchange facilities of Indian Currency should be provided for the Border traders petty businessmen ziratia tenants and others because they are forced to pay 50% more in Pakistani currency for the exchange of Indian money on the other side to carry on with their day to day business. 

7)       Arrangement should be made to maintain price level of essential commodities of daily necessities of life food stuff at par as prevalent across the border on Indian side.   

8)       Senior and experienced Magistrates, Sub-Divisional Officers and the Police Officers integrity should be posted for the border Districts and Sub-Divisions. 

9)       Evacuee property should be exchanged through Government level.

10)     Strict vigilance and restriction over the income and disposed of Industrial and Commercial firms of the foreigners who have their Head Office out side Pakistan is essential.

          I would, appeal to the Government authorities both central and provincial to find out the actual difficulties confronting the border people, in obtaining passport, Visas for their day to day transit requirements. Further, they are in great need of daily necessities of life like food and consumer goods which are scarcely made available to them. Because ziratia tenants and others are worse affected than flood affected people. The farmer should be brought under compulsory modified rationing system. 

          Finally, I would appeal to the press to co-operate in creating public opinion against such nafarious and anti-Pakistan activities so that the general masses join the move and save the country form economic chaos.


                                                                                                                              (MAJOR A GHANI, M. P. A)


The manager / Editor,
